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Feb 28, 2013

Repeat offender owed the court money


Albert Weller

A resident of Mahogany Heights is charged a second time for Drug Trafficking. Thirty-three year old Albert Weller, an Auto-Painter appeared before Magistrate Dale Cayetano where he pleaded not guilty to a single charge of drug trafficking and was offered a bail of five thousand dollars. But Weller already owes the court for a previous conviction. Magistrate Cayetano ordered Weller to pay one thousand dollars towards his previous conviction in order to get out on the bail offered today. Weller has not been able to meet payment and he is still in police custody. Weller’s next appearance in court is set for April fourth 2013. The recent incident occurred when police, on mobile patrol, visited Weller’s family home. A search was conducted on Weller for illegal firearm and ammunition but nothing incriminating was found. A further search of the home and premises led police to the discovery of a black plastic bag hidden in the ceiling, containing a leafy like substance suspected to be cannabis.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Repeat offender owed the court money”

  1. Storm says:

    Paying a fine instead of jail is not a right [and it’s actually a bad practice for the court to offer it to drug traffickers and other serious criminals]. He should never have been given yet more time to pay the fine — just lock him up for a few years, so we don’t have to worry about his worthless hide.

  2. Nimbo says:

    Send him to help Will Mehia and team to help clean the border- earn his keep. Why should tax payers pay his holiday at Hattieville? I say let the whole group that is there clean the border- we will not miss them much if taken by the Guats…

  3. Bear says:


    I’d be happy to let all non-violent offenders (I consider drug traffickers as violent offenders, because they deal in death) get a 50% discount on their prison terms if they spend their time clearing the border under the eyes of armed guards. A little manual labor in a tourist Paradise would do those prisoners good, and the country would get useful service out of them.

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