American Global University in spotlight again
Are the American Global University School of Medicine and the Washington University of Health and Science legitimate and accredited medical institutions of learning in Belize? Or are they just well-established and operated scams to milk money from potential students across the world? Those are the questions on everybody’s mind right now. Both institutions have been operating in Belize, American Global since November 2005 and Washington University since February, 2012. Both are licensed for operation by the Government of Belize. Both maintain elaborate websites glorifying their programs, enrollment and success. But that’s about all anybody knows about either of them. Community activist Phillip ‘Faada’ Henry has been on a one-man crusade to prove that the institutions are bogus, just shells to scam students who pre-pay big money to sign up for programs, and then come all the way to Belize to find out that what they signed up for was a penny-ante con operation. Today, Henry called a press conference to further his crusade. Freelance reporter Mike Rudon was there and has the story.
Phillip ‘Faada’ Henry, Community Activist
“We’re at the verge of sinking like titanic and I am saying to the Prime Minister of this nation last week when I brought this out that we have this medical school in Belize that people have been complaining that it is a ghost house and it is not effective for Belize at all, but it is giving Belize a bad name. No one takes me serious.”
Mike Rudon, Reporting
But people are taking notice, even if just because there have been questions asked about the legitimacy of American Global University in Belize for years, and there never seem to be any answers. Today that university supposedly operates out of this building in Ladyville, but there is never anybody there, and certainly no school in operation that anybody can see. Patrick Menzies is a lecturer at the University of Belize, and he maintains that medical schools are good for small countries.
Patrick Menzies, Lecturer, University of Belize
“The effects of a legitimate law –abiding institution in the nation…well you are going to get Grenada; that’s the poster child for what an authentic, reputable, transparent institution can be. You look at the fact that the report was saying perhaps Grenada’s most unique feature is its medical school which has grown from a few hundred students thirty years ago, to some four thousand from over a hundred and forty countries. We believe in Belize; we exist on our number one income which is tourism. Well this can be a great way to raise money. As a matter of fact, under the leadership of its founder, Chancellor Charles Morika, St. George’s University has expanded to include four different schools; Medicine, Veterinary Medince, Arts and Science and a Graduate Student Program and it has a two hundred and fifty million dollar campus and they are the largest employer in the island. So I am saying this stuff works.”
But not if the schools in question are bogus, and Menzies has done extensive research which has convinced him that both American Global and Washington University are just that.
“AGU are being candid. According to Peggy Allen, they graduated two hundred MDs, two hundred medical doctors. Okay. Where are they operating? I did a research on the web and guess what I found? I looked at their grads. I googled them; I couldn’t find any of them. Only one of them I found is a sister something—I forget her name now—that graduated and is now in the U.S. of all the folks they claim to have graduated, I can’t find them. Then I went to another school, CAHSU; that’s the Belize Medical School, they were in the media. And every single one of their grads that I googled, I found them operating in the U.S. as medical doctors. So we do have an institution here that actually works; that’s actually operating and I think it works. So we need to tell the government hey let’s do this thing; let’s do it right and let us support those that are legitimate. But let us get rid of those that are not.”
And there are other discrepancies and curiosities which suggest that all is not as is advertised with the schools, and both Menzies and Henry are calling on government to step in and do the right thing.
“According to the website. You know I was reading about the reports from them and according to the website, it says that join us for the May 2013 Class. I’m sorry join us for the May 2013 class? But the reports that I read on the web said that they don’t open until September. So why does the website say they start in May 2013? I can show you the website right now. Go to it for yourself. Something is wrong. Tell us where are the students of basic science. If the other guys are on rotation, you should have some folks right here right now on basic science. Where are they at? Who are the members of staff? Where are they? Do they operate here? Who is the Dean that operates in Belize? Where are they at? These are questions in the education arena that are not being answered.”
“These people couldn’t come here and set up shop without somebody who are leading this nation. I am asking the Prime Minister. This flag behind me stands up. We are thirty years old, but it seems like thirty years is nothing. I don’t see you guys loving this nation.”
According to a release issued by American Medical Services, both American Global University and the Washington University are part of a medical university consortium operating under different accredited charters from the Government of Belize. Mike Rudon reporting for News Five.
Upon research, if they are found to be bogus indeed, they should not only be banned from operating in Belize but given stiff jail sentences. Afterall, they are obtaining poor people’s money by deception. This research on their legitimacy should be so easy to do if we had smart people in GOB. Unless one of them are involved in the scam if it is a scam indeed.
You think Gapi has his hands in this too?
Or maybe Health Minister Pablo Marin?
Hahahahahha…. CAHSU students do not exist. This is all pay off, only cause Cahsu scared of a challenge… good try…. remember what goes around will come right back around.
It sounds like Faada Henry did a favor to Belize by investigating this school. I think at this time the burden must be on the school owners to prove they are legitimate, and not hiding in Belize to steal other people’s money, and maybe endangering the public by selling medical degrees that are worthless.
Belize has become the Nigeria of the Western Hemisphere, a magnet for all the scam artists. There is no reason we cannot reverse course and become a nation of integrity, but thelonger we wait to try, the harder it will be to achieve.
“AGU are being candid. According to Peggy Allen, they graduated two hundred MDs, two hundred medical doctors. Okay. Where are they operating? I did a research on the web and guess what I found? I looked at their grads. I googled them; I couldn’t find any of them. Only one of them I found is a sister something—I forget her name now—that graduated and is now in the U.S. of all the folks they claim to have graduated, I can’t find them. Then I went to another school, CAHSU; that’s the Belize Medical School, they were in the media. And every single one of their grads that I googled, I found them operating in the U.S. as medical doctors. So we do have an institution here that actually works; that’s actually operating and I think it works. So we need to tell the government hey let’s do this thing; let’s do it right and let us support those that are legitimate. But let us get rid of those that are not.”
just shows that anything in Belize is fir sale. including integrity
It is so important to make sure you only attend one of the Accredited Caribbean Medical Schools. There are some less than ethical people who only want to make money, but there are schools that are good solutions for students who want a career in medicine. You just have to be careful.