Did Penner commit an act of deception; forging a document for monetary gain?
Tonight, former Minister of State Elvin Penner has removed himself from scrutiny even as calls for his head continue to saturate the public arena. Government bureaucrats at the highest level seem intent on complicating the issue. But with the emergence of documentary proof, Penner’s complicity cannot be questioned. They say the proof is in the pudding, and that pudding has been served up steaming from the oven. So why hasn’t Penner been made to face the music? Today, we turned to our legal expert for some answers, or at the very least a verification that what Penner did was indeed criminal.
Dickie Bradley, Attorney
“If you sign any official document claiming something and signing to something which is in fact not so, it’s not factual – I certify that I have known Mr. X, Y, Z for the past three years when in fact that is obviously a lie…you sign to say that this photograph is the true likeness of Mr. X, Y, Z whom I know personally and you could not have known the person personally because you don’t live in Taiwan or Korea and that person doesn’t live in Belize or Cayo. When you’re doing that, you’re engaging in an act of deception. You’re in fact forging or frauding a document for the purposes of gaining some monetary gain. Those are very serious crimes. Those are crimes that call for imprisonment, once it is proved. So any official document that anybody signs – public officer, public officer or minister will find themselves in trouble if action is taken. Now we are hearing the Immigration Department is investigating itself, and that is not the procedure. The rule is that whenever there are allegations of wrongdoing the Police Commissioner is supposed to be notified. And he sends his professional investigators who will determine whether or not there is sufficient evidence to bring a charge. If they have doubts about what they find or uncover, they will send the file to the Director of Public Prosecutions who the constitution puts in charge of prosecuting.”
My man is true Belizean. He work hard for me, he get paid for good work.
In constitution amendment, all UDP crimes washed away. They come visit me in my prison winter penthouse in Taiwan, and my summer prison palace in Korea.
leave my team alone! UDP for me, you get your cut too, later bro.
I want to come to my homeland, my Belize that I wish I was born in, but paid for.
>>>Penner has removed himself from scrutiny
How is that even possible????
who writes this stuff, or thinks it up?
removed himself from scrutiny? you got to be kidding!!!
>>>you don’t live in Taiwan or Korea and that person doesn’t live in Belize or Cayo.
So who is Penner working for in Belmopan, to commit this so-called crime of lying?
Since he does not know Kim, he must have been woken up by the tooth fairy who said create this document for me.
and the name of the tooth fairy is……
his momma, his wife, his best friend, his kids, his political partner in a government wide conspiracy.
Woops, no crime, UDP is the party to stop corruption.
look closely in the constitution, pardon, who has the power to pardon?
nevermind, no one honest enough can do the prosecution, much less make it stick, forget Hattieville.
Kim will take care of them all at his Taiwan prison penthouse.
Booty call on the hour men!! your ex wives can raise the kids in your ex country.
stash the money in the Caymans or Switzerland.
Is Hulse the same Hulse we used to know? We see the man playing with words most cagily. Did Penner commit an act of deception; forging a document for monetary gain?
He did not forge the document by signing, because he has the authority to sign. However he wrote on the document that the man live in Picini Area of Belmopan, and that he knew the man as a friend for 3 years. Both of these are criminal offence under the law because the address given is false, and the man never ever came to Belize, so Penner never ever met the man whom he signed the document for. THESE are deliberate lies, intent in creating deception. Lastly he used his office for money gain which is definitely a criminal act. Anyone of a less stature, like us poor Belizean, doing something like that would have already been THROWN IN GAIL WAITING TRIAL!
Stop play with words Hulse, the man did commit a serious crime, not to mention, he gave a known CRIMINAL a passport, which is also a crime, because we should have had INTERPOL check the back of this individual wanting to gain Belizean citizenship. Lastly, he was aiding and abetting a criminal to avoid justice! Lets ask a lawyer if this is not another crime? The things we do for MONEY??? GREED KNOWS NO END!
“The police commissioner will send his professional investigators”
Just when I thought that the leadership of the PUP was the most corrupt crowd around, the UDP leadership seems to take the cake. Belize needs to have different governmental investigative committees. We do not have to reinvent the wheel, use the US model. This will go a long way to satisfy the public at large that something will be done, to rectify the situation and make others think twice, before trying something like this. Our passport should be gold. This affect all Belizeans at large, as our passport becomes suspect, meaning you becomes suspects as you travel.
These people needs to be lead out in handcuff, prosecuted and jail. Our Ministers has the best houses, cars, boats, business and bank account. Some might be legit, but most are not. I wonder what their bank accounts looks like in foreign bank. The best way to find a crook is to follow his money. Why all the secrecy? I thought that transparency was going to be the norm.
I echo belizeanheat: ” The Police Commissioner will send his professional investigators”! ROTFLMBAO! That is so funny I am having trouble catching my breath! After the “professionals” have come and gone the file will mysteriously get lost and the case will be thrown out! Whew, just another day in paradise! For the criminals!
The semantics that these politicians play these days make you think that they are fit for the Olympics, given the twists and turns they have to do and all the loops that are involved! Does it ever occur to these people that the eyes of the international community are on them? I would want to think that they are not that dense but my pet rock shakes its head!
Godwin Hulse has become as CORRUPT as the rest of the elected politicians! As the saying goes, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely!!! HE FORGOT HE WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE. GREED and MONEY at work!
I dont know what all the big deal and noise is all about. A whole Maya Ruin was destroyed, and up to now, nothing has nor will come out of it.
As with everything else, this will be swept under the carpet, and forgotten about wthin weeks, because the people are soft, and also powerless.
Don’t get caught with a stick of weed, or get caught for stealing to try to feed your children….you will be JAILED.
everyone knows what must be done to save the tooth.
doesnt he SK had to get a police report, ASK THE police Comm, he had to have granted it heller, some one neva get t cut all start at the bottom,police comm, minsters, and yes some stupid publc officer cause he thought he could make a lil change.
Never thought I would see the day when I agree with Dickie Bradley on anything, today I do. This man Penner should be tried for treason. Selling citizenship and a passport and making false statement to make this happen is a crime against the country.
Belize has its own criminals it has to deal with, but Penner was going to import one more. He needs to be indicted for misuse of power and never be allowed to serve in any office of trust ever again. There is never any consequences for these types of action this is why this self serving behavior continues. Any other country would take swift action to prosecute such a corrupt act, except Belize.
I award this PM and all his party the most “Corrupt Government ” award.
This is a serious breach to our national security.What the hell is wrong with our elected officials.Put this fool infront of a firing squad.
I guess proving whether he did get monetary gain – will be a critical dimension…. (its likely, but the court likes black and white)
Off all the people forging documents an the pot calling the kettle black. This sounds like a similar experience that one of our relatives went through. When Dickie himself forged signatures to transfer property’s in Burrell Boom and kept the money for the other owner of the property. That should be just as criminal as the other person he’s pointing the finger at. Thief calling a thief thief