Carnal knowledge case involving Belize City bus conductor
A Belize City bus conductor will have to put up a defense in the Supreme Court for a charge of carnal knowledge of a thirteen-year old school girl for which he was charged with back in July 2012 of last year. The preliminary inquiry into the case concluded before the Senior Magistrate, Sharon Frazer where convincing and compelling evidence allowed the matter to be sent up to the Supreme Court for trial in the January session of the Supreme Court, 2014. The accused is twenty year old Giovanni Ramos who was warned today by Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer to stay away from his alleged young victim who in open court this morning, told the Senior Magistrate that Ramos has allegedly tried to intimidate her. In August of last year, Ramos was arraigned and charged for allegedly having sex with the then thirteen year old girl months earlier on July third, 2012. At P.I., the prosecution presented statements from the victim, her mother, an aunt, the arresting officer, the examining doctor and a number of formal police witnesses sealing the bundle of evidence against Ramos. When asked if he had any witnesses to call on his behalf during the Supreme Court trial, Ramos gave the court the names of five persons. The Senior Magistrate also warned both Ramos and the witness to stay away from the alleged victim.