Christmas Cheer Program…Barrow says no cash to be handed out
The Government of Belize’s Christmas Cheer Program has been the subject of much scrutiny of late, and some criticism, though that is directed more at the stated allocations and less at the initiative itself. As it stands, U.D.P. Area Representatives will receive ninety thousand dollars each, P.U.P. Area representatives will receive twenty-five thousand dollars and unelected U.D.P. caretakers will receive twenty-five thousand dollars. Today PM Barrow as a first order of business attempted mightily to dispel what he called ‘hypocritical criticism.’ He says that no cash will be handed out and there will be proper accounting at all times.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“The Financial Secretary sent out a follow up circular on the tenth December reminding the Ministry of Human Development and all who are to—all ministers, area representatives and caretakers who are involved in the program—of the procedures. And the procedures are and I read mister speaker, “The minister, area representative, caretaker, would identify the supplier and the list of items to be supplied to constituents, to good Belizeans. The supplier would submit a proforma invoice for the items. Three, the ministry will then issue a purchase order to the supplier. Four, the supplier would then submit and invoice along with a receipt to be signed by the area representatives, ministers, caretakers; that the goods have been taken in to charge. Five, the Ministry of Human Development should keep appropriate documents of each transaction. The suppliers are to be bonafide business/commercial establishments who are reputable and are well-known to be in the business of supplying food items, toys, etc. Suppliers should not be middle men or intermediaries nor anyone who might be closely connected to the minister, area representative or the caretaker. Under no circumstances (and that’s in bold) should the area representative receive (and in bold again) cash payments either directly or indirectly.” So mister speaker, you can’t quarrel with the merits of the program. This is giving back to the good people of Belize at Christmas time and I and all the members on this side of the house, we are absolutely positive that it is greatly appreciated by the people of this country.”
Yeah, so, what did he say ?
No cash this year, but there will be gold, land and SUVs in the stockings for the lucky few.
The only greatly appreciated people are the ministers who get to stay with thousands of dollars more in their pockets, while the supporters get to eat for one day of the year. I am sure they would prefer a job than turning them into beggars! Maybe the suppliers too!
We understand that no cash will be handed out and there will be proper accounting at all times. Yes, inflated cost for the product supplied, and inflated numbers of the product supplied, will appear genuine. When the supplier received his check, if he do not cough up the over supplied $$$$$$$ he will be in trouble with the person who requested, but this never happen, because he is happy to be paid for things he never bought or sold. Imagine being paid just for writing a false invoice! We don’t want crooks stealing our tax dollars, and you are facilitating for it to happen.
Let me break it down a little. If a ham cost $40.00 but and weigh 8 pounds. I can say it weigh 15 pounds and cost $105.00 on my invoice. If I only supplied one, I can say I supplied ten. Nobody do that kind of in depth checking and that is why the crooks are able to cream big time!
Can an medai agency/ngo follow up to see whether this was done after the holidays?
Is the PM creating a NANNY STATE? People need jobs, they don’t want handouts.
This is what they’ve been telling you people for the longest,these are the not laws (policies) they are following, in Michael Finnegan on words on channel 7 interview. This is what he said. (“There are rules that govern the House. The member has to behave within the scope of the rules that governs the House. If there are not rules, then there would be chaos and that is why the (white man )put rules into place so that we don’t behave in a chaotic atmosphere.”) Go vote for PUP next term,the opposite side of the same corrupted coin. In my life on this planet i’ve never met a white man that give a damm about any rules so, why should these puppets? Stop vote for them,that is the only solution, non participation!