Groundbreaking ceremony at Altun Ha to jumpstart infrastructure improvements
‘Making Tourism Benefit Communities Adjacent to Archaeological Sites’ is a local initiative spearheaded by National Institute of Culture and History and the Belize Tourism Board that is being supported by the European Union. This morning, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at Altun Ha, in the Belize District, to commemorate infrastructure improvements at the location. The EU has been working closely with the Government of Belize on a number of long term projects that will extend over the next six years. Present at the launch was EU Ambassador Paola Amadei, who is currently on a working visit to Belize.
Ambassador Paola Amadei, Representative, European Union
“This morning, we were at the archaeological site of Altun Ha. It was a symbolic event. It was a groundbreaking for the completion of the visitors center and the expansion of the sanitary facility at Altun Ha and as well, marking the initiation of other activities at that site, the improvement of the paths, the training of guides, the support to the craftspeople working at the site, in order to improve the product. And, as I was saying, it was a symbolic event because we will be working with the EU funds at nine archaeological sites across Belize. So we chose to have a larger celebration with the participation of the Minister of Tourism at that particular site but we look forward to seeing in the course of the year the completion of the work and what we particularly aim with this project is on one side to improve the experience of tourists visiting the archaeological sites but as well to promote employment and better opportunities in the community in the proximity of the site. So there is this component of promotion of community development and in that sense the project was launched and was celebrated this morning.”
In 2013 alone, the EU disbursed over thirty-eight million Belize dollars for various projects and remains one of the leading donors in Belize and a committed development partner in major sectors, more recently in human rights advocacy.