The history of Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson; is it of concern?
Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson, Minister of Trade and Investment Erwin Contreras and novice U.D.P. politician Ralph Huang…those three names have dominated social media in recent weeks, intensifying after Huang was elected U.D.P. Standard Bearer in Cayo South. By all accounts, at least on the internet, Gibson is a fraud posing as a big time investor. By Minister Contreras’ own assertion, Gibson and Huang are valued friends of his, and important investors in any number of projects in Belize. Huang’s political run in Cayo South was financed in large part by Lord Gibson. It’s a complicated, messy triangle – we say messy because even when the Central Bank investigated Gibson’s companies and declared that they could not operate in Belize, Minister of Trade and Investment Erwin Contreras intervened to support and defend Gibson. With the continuous outcry in the social media, we felt that it constituted a pertinent concern, and so it was brought up to the PM at the conference today.
“In terms of Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson. Since Mister Ralph Huang won his convention, that name has come up as having put quite a bit of money into his campaign. He admitted it. He spoke to Love FM and he said, he admitted.”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“I didn’t know.”
“And there is a video on the Gibson Enterprises website where there is an imaginary news item praising Ralph Huang for winning…Minister Elect.”
“In terms of, I know the VIP also issued a release today in which they brought up the whole issue of campaign financing and such. Do you have any comments to that?”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“What? Campaign financing?”
“As it relates to Ralph Huang and he’s being financed by someone who has been blacklisted by the Central Bank…his company has been blacklisted by the Central Bank.”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“Well sorry. I would certainly want to find out from Ralph Huang the extent of the contribution. I don’t know that this Lord Neil Gibson has ever been convicted of anything, his persona non-gratia anywhere. I know that the Central Bank….I think he has two outfits: one called a bank and trust and he has an outfit that does offshore services as well. There was some little contrata with Central Bank and they in fact refused to give him license. But I would imagine that is something that happens fairly often and for various reasons. Without knowing that details of the dispute—maybe it is not really a dispute—but without knowing the details of the Central Bank’s decision, I wouldn’t want to comment.”
“But is there a concern to you that he is plying influence in your party? I know the Minister of Investment has also written a letter on his behalf saying he tried to exculpate him with the Central Bank.”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“As I understand it, the minister says that he wrote a letter drawing a distinction between the two entities that this Lord Neil Gibson is involved in. I think it was one entity that had a problem with the Central Bank in terms of trying to get a license which was refused, but the other as I understand it has a license as a sort of international service provider. If that’s all that the minister did, he did nothing wrong.”
Mike Rudon
“Sir is Lord Neil B. Gibson a legitimate investor in Belize? Are you aware of any of his investments?”
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“I don’t know the man, I don’t know who he is. I am telling you that I am aware of the fact that he has a company—I hope I am not misspeaking—at the time when there was an interest I think on his part to buy the Small Farmers Bank of Belize, I was aware that some entity associated with him was in possession of a license and I believe was doing business as an international service provider. That is the extent of my knowledge.”
I know Lord Neil Gibson. Also instead of everyone surmising what is going on, why not ask him. He as a PR team that gave a interview with Love FM. It was never aired. I am shore if he was contacted he will reply. his email is : He as nothing to hide and can clear up all questions. I am shore his PR team will provide a live interview
You SHORELY can’t spell, Sir Adriana! lol
Lord Gibson`s actions can only be interpreted as interference into the internal affairs of the jewel.
Sir Adriana,
You are “shore”?? Wow!! Wanting to defend someone and can’t even express yourself correctly!
Henceforth i shall be called Lord LOL, no longer LOL.
Look at Montero and my fellow Lord. Both of them have a strong bromance and not afraid to show it.
Why uno no left di man alone . I see nuttin dat commit da man to any crym. Ralf mi balley and he straet up
Sometimes I have no sympathy for the people of Belize, especially when I see the ignorance we display and the desire to live a lifestyle of America, one which we live above our means. Who is this jackass, calling himself Sir Adrianna, who so highly praises Gibson, AKA, Lord Neil Gibson. I’m equally appalled how everyone , including you so-called journalists, accept the bullshit that Dean Barrow feeds you and the Belizean public by playing on your ignorance and practicing one of on the most thought topics in Psychology 101, “AVOIDANCE.” All of you sit down and just accept the bull he shoots at you. This so-called investor and Lord, Gibson, is one of the biggest scammers there is out there. He goes to the extent of making his own autobio and as they say in Belize, “Big Up Himself.” I was in banking before settling in my current profession, retail, commercial and international and I’ve seen his scams. I think he was even indicted in the US and touted himself as helping out in New Orleans, post hurricane Katrina. (Baloney). He practices one of the most thought out schemes, what we call in the financial industry, as the “Pump And Dump” scheme. He changes names of companies and entities faster than he changes his clothes. I’m surprised at Erwin but I’ve heard from associates that he has his own thing going. Knew him when he could hardly speak English and was shy and sneaky and used to drop his pencil to peek under a certain female politician’s skirt. LOL. Even more-so, you so-called journalists need to do your homework and not believe all the nonsense that this government, or any government or political official feed you, without doing due diligence in your craft. Effective journalism is not easy and you have to research, ask the hard questions and have facts so you can put these idiots like Dean on the spot. I studied abroad and if you knew your craft, there is “burkespeerage” where you could check on this assumed Lord’s heritage.
By the way, the Lord has already made his page of what he’s done in Belize.
Why do you continue to call him ‘Lord’? He is not a Lord and just calls himself ‘Lord’ to try and gain some credibility. The only ‘title’ he is actually entitled to is ‘Mr’ Neil Gibson.
Having read all the comments I fail to see how anyone can make certain accusations without any proof of any wrongdoing by the people mentioned. Timber has a lot to say about Gibson and Co. Unlike you I dont consider myself to be judge and jury. I believe in the democratic way where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
All I see is mere speculation by everyone including the media but not one of you has offered any concrete proof of any wrongdoing by Gibson and Co. Hmmmm and you consider yourselves to be intelligent people. Timber you claim to know so much and would like people to listen to you then please provide us with proof of Gibson’s indictment or proof of fraud or even a shred of proof of any financial misconduct or proof of anyone who has been scammed out of funds by Gibson.
All the above comments are to be considered as gossip and nothing more. We dont live in the age of kangaroo courts. I for one want to see proff from any court in any country that has found Gibson guilty of any wrongdoing before I would go around shooting my mouth off.
There is not a single positive writing about LNG that was not written by himself. There is no media at all except free youtube videos made by his wife. There are no photos on Google Image of him that do not appear like a “selfie” or mug shot and trying to duck and run for cover. No where can a photo of this guy be found in the company of anyone of importance despite his claims to great wealth, generosity and fame. Some people can’t help being stupid, but there is never a reason to be just plain lazy. As to alleged businesses, all one has to do is dial any of the phone numbers associated with these companies and see if anyone live ever answers at all, or just to an automated referral to another number. Google links lead in a circle, returning eventually to where they began. Addresses invariably are non existent on Google Earth, turning out to be vacant lots, Post Office boxes and addresses of convenience, such as in Las Vegas where one can form a corporation for under $100. Even this guy’s driver’s license comes back to a parking lot behind a shopping mall in a distant and isolated Nevada desert. There is just no way to pin this guy down to anything real or substantial, which leaves me reminded of an old joke that aptly applies to all such con-men/scam artists: “When is he lying?” The obvious answer is, “Any time his lips are moving!” The only “mother lode” this particular guy has found is someone else’s money or residence in America, the “big buffet,” where even the stupidest of people can find an easy “mark” among such naïve, if naturally trusting and generous people.
Sorry, failed to mention that on-line one can easily find copies of the BS title “Lord” bought from a fraudulent service in clear violation of British heraldry laws.
I have his documentation that he paid for his titleship for LORD thru an Attorney in England for about 13,000.00 dollars. Why? To become more credible and influential. He uses other’s monies , never his own. He bought Mr. Huangs office. He’s very deceitful. Watch your dealings and your money.
This Lord Gibson used to be Called Richard Willard and before that Ricardo Escobar of Las Vegas. Plastic Surgery was done on him after I called Homeland Security on him about five years ago. He is married to Tammy Lied Gibson Las Vegas new Studio Owner.
Also this Con artist impersonator helped distroy my life having Ronald Calderon Ex California Senator work with Steinberg at Pacific Hospital of Long Beach had a Doctor connected to Steinberg also put dangerous off-label implants from my neck to my lumbar spine which have no label so are not FDA approved. I’m being used for Darpa research (ElectRx) and cann’t get any help or truth while my own countries military is using me ( Abbott Labs with DOD). Check out Rational Health Care their the ones who created the technology.