U.D.P. knocks Belmopan mayor on land deal
Despite the fact that municipal elections are only a month and a half away, there has been little political friction thus far in the campaign. This morning, however, the partisan heat was turned up a notch in what is normally one of Belize’s least confrontational communities: Belmopan.
?Your actions are being irresponsible.?
Anthony Chanona
?But you do not have the facts…?
?You are in effect a lame duck mayor, therefore, you cannot, you cannot put the city council into debt, so be careful of that.?
Anthony Chanona
?We are not doing anything… so tomorrow hopefully you can get the facts.?
?That?s good.?
Jacqueline Woods, Reporting
Today Belmopan Mayor Anthony Chanona and his office came under heavy criticism over a proposed purchase of property in one of the city?s shopping areas. According to Mayor Chanona, they have not bought nor sold anything, but what they are trying to do is work in the long term interest of the city by acquiring land to relocate vegetable vendors. The building and land situated on Cardinal Avenue, is owned by the Mena Group of Companies, who want four hundred thousand dollars for it. This morning a group of no more than fifteen persons protested outside of the mayor?s office calling the deal corrupt and a waste of taxpayers? money. The protest was led by the opposition United Democratic Party mayoral candidate Simeon Lopez, who says that the price is too high.
Simeon Lopez, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Belmopan
?We are protesting the fact that we do not believe and we have our own evaluator that that building is not worth four hundred thousand dollars. And so we are trying to get the mayor or and the city council to back down from that price.?
Anthony Chanona, Belmopan Mayor
?They say you never get what you want, it?s only what you negotiate; it is question of negotiation. What it is worth is what you are prepared to pay. The way the Brodie properties are intended to expand, I believe real estate in Belmopan will hold its value.?
?There is nothing corrupt, there is nothing dishonourable. It is a transparent, accountable transaction that is in the public eye and all we?re saying is take the time to empower yourselves, understand the facts.?
Chanona says he has extended an invitation to the U.D.P. mayoral candidate and the slate of councillor candidates to meet on Tuesday where the facts on the council?s proposal will be presented. Chanona says he regards the protest as a political campaign to smear the integrity of City Hall by distorting facts and trying to create a perception of corruption in his administration.
Anthony Chanona
?But there is something very fundamental here Jackie. What is not negotiable is the integrity of my family?s honour, that?s my birthright. I will not do anything to disrespect and dishonour my family name; that?s not up for negotiation. I will not disrespect and dishonour the institution I worked with some hardworking people six years to create, and we want God to bless our city.?
Simeon Lopez
?This is people?s taxpayers money, this is not private spending this is taxpayers money and we don?t think it is petty party politics. This is a serious issue.?
One of the vendors who is being asked to move say the proposed new location is far from ideal.
Francisca Mira, Vendor
?It?s not adequate for a market. It?s not, because we are dealing with fruits and vegetables and we need to have an open space like where we are right now.?
At the end of the day, the U.D.P. Mayoral candidate did accept the invitation to attend the meeting. However, it remains to be seen if anything will be resolved.
The meeting will be held Tuesday morning at eleven.