Red Cross cards to help needy Belizeans this Christmas
With Christmas only two weeks away, greeting cards are already filling mail boxes across the country. But if you’re running late this year, the volunteers at the Belize Red Cross Society reminds you that you can send loved ones compliments of the season and help out a needy person at the same time.
Marylee Ellis, Deputy Dir. General, Belize Red Cross
?We had several designs. We had flowers with a hummingbird, they went immediately. We had parrots, an armadillo; we also had a beach scene. Now we are down to two which is the Madonna?which is really beautiful?and also a little boy on the beach.?
?We have other volunteers, Detachment Six, who meet at the headquarters every week and coming up to Christmas Day have different activities. Those activities include visiting Golden Haven, visiting the elderly at home, those who can?t get out and what they do is they have different fundraising activities to raise funds so that they can purchase the things or make the things that they take when they go and do the visits. And this year they to depart from the usual, they would do corsages, I am wearing one at the moment in fact that they have made and those are available at Brodie?s and they can be purchased here for five dollars each. They are handmade, they are hand stitched, they are all handmade.?
The paintings were done by Red Cross volunteer Tiffany Burn, a Belizean studying in England. The Christmas card collection is available at the Belize Red Cross for fifteen dollars a dozen.