Lord’s Bank Family Says Grave of Loved One Defiled
The desecration of a loved one’s grave by vandals or others who are intent on unlawfully occupying precious funereal estate is an injustice that is not limited to the Lord Ridge Cemetery. In fact, we have reported numerous instances where headstones are damaged, skeletal remains are unearthed and tombs often looted. Tonight, a Ladyville family is incensed, following a recent discovery that the final resting place of their mother, who is interred in Lord’s Bank since 1999, has been defiled by the family of Kenroy Perry. Keisha King says she was shocked to observe that her mother’s tomb had been broken and attached to another grave at the cemetery in Lord’s Bank Village. The family charges that there is no legitimate reason for the joining of the two graves since the deceased are unrelated and there is no shortage of space at the burial ground.
Keisha King, Daughter of Deceased
“We have a situation in Lord’s Bank that they buried two persons in the same grave. One is my mother, Marie Gomez who died fifteen years ago. The newest person that is buried there is Mr. Perry, Kenroy Perry, within the same grave with my mother, and we are very upset about it.”
Duane Moody
“What happened and when were you guys made aware of this?”
Keisha King
“Well Friday evening, when I went up there to take flowers to my mother’s grave I saw the combination of the two graves and I was very upset about it. So we went over to the next family member to ask why, how and they didn’t know where their parent was buried. So right now I wahn know da weh happen, dats why I am here.”
Duane Moody
“What do you mean by the fact that they’ve put together [the two graves]?”
Keisha King
“There grave is joined together, one casting, one grave; not as two separate graves, a combination of one grave.”
Duane Moody
“How is this possible?”
Keisha King
“I do not know. I want to know the same thing right now.”
Duane Moody
“Now, I understand that you guys have concerns and have been doing your own investigation. Tell us about… the aspects of that investigation.”
Keisha King
“Well, right now we go ‘round and di ask dah who give orders to bury. They come down to one person in the village, Edison Parks. I do not know. We’re trying to investigate right now and find out who, what happened.”
Duane Moody
“Who is responsible for the cemetery there and where people are buried?”
Keisha King
“Right now I heard it’s the chairman that’s supposed to be responsible. I do not know. Right now we are still digging and trying to find out what happened and who is responsible right now.”
Duane Moody
“I understand that you guys went to the Public Health Department…”
Keisha King
“Yes we did because my family members want the grave to be removed. I think it’s outright disrespect to our family. If we have a family member that’s dead and we want to put them beside her we do not have the privilege to put that person beside her.”
The family of Marie Gomez says it has made an effort to contact the village chairperson to see if the matter can be resolved amicably since space at the cemetery doesn’t seem to be an issue.