Governance Improvement Commission explains resignations
After enduring mostly unmitigated flak for their decision to resign, late this evening, former members of the Belize Governance Improvement Commission released another document, clarifying the motive for the move. According to David Gibson, who had chaired the commission, money was in fact not an issue because members worked on a voluntary basis with only limited funds disbursed for expenses. In bold letters Gibson states quote, “the B.G.I.C. had no access to, or control over funds allocated for its operations,” end quote. The release goes on to state that there was a need for clarity in the terms of reference of the commission, and its role, and that there was no clear line of communication between the B.G.I.C. and the Prime Minister, even though the commission was mandated to report directly to the P.M. We’ll have more details on this issue in tomorrow’s newscast.