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Home » Auto Accidents » Infant killed in truck collision
Oct 27, 2005

Infant killed in truck collision

A baby girl was killed and several people injured when two trucks collided on the Blue Creek Road Wednesday morning in the Orange Walk District. Carlos Estrada Pinta of Peten, Guatemala, told police his Toyota Hilux crashed head-on into a red pickup being driven by Darwin Hernandez. Four month old Maribel Hernandez, who was not in a car seat and was being held in the arms of a seventeen year old Rosita Hernandez, was thrown into the windshield and died instantly. Darwin, Rosita, and Norma Hernandez were all admitted to the Karl Heusner Memorial in critical condition. Estrada suffered minor injuries while his passenger, Franz Rempel, was not injured. Police are investigating and say they are awaiting word on Darwin’s condition as the minor is only fifteen years old and has no driver’s license.

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