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Oct 21, 2005

High school students hold basketball competition

Story PictureThis weekend, the Central Secondary School Sports Association invites you to the High School Basketball Competition. The games start this Saturday at the Bird’s Isle and according to president of the association, Deon Sutherland, this year’s competition is expected to be better than ever.

Deon Sutherland, President, CSSSA
?We have a total of seven female and nine male teams, therefore we have one division that all the females will play each other, as well all the males will play.?

Jacqueline Woods
?Do you find that the high schools are supporting this competition??

Deon Sutherland
?Yes, the high schools are supporting, there are some high schools with healthy rivalry, we are proud of that and we?re hoping that it?s even better this year.?

Because the City Centre is booked for the weekend, the first match will take place at the Birds’ Isle on Saturday. However, the games resume on Monday at the City Centre.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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