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Oct 12, 2005

Palacio ready for new season with Utah

Story PictureWhen we last heard from Milton Palacio he was coming off a solid season as a backup point guard with the N.B.A.’s Toronto Raptors, averaging almost six points and three and a half assists per game. And while the twenty-seven year old born-in-L.A. Belizean has now moved to Utah–his sixth team in seven years–there is optimism that the six foot three journeyman may have finally found the right fit. Coach Jerry Sloan has not yet decided whether Palacio will earn the right to be a starter, but whatever his role–and despite just a one year contract–the circumstances look good for a breakout performance. Utah opens its preseason play tonight against Milt’s old team-mates in Toronto. The Palacio family hails from the seaside village of Seine Bight in the Stann Creek District.

(photo courtesy Scott Winterton, Deseret Morning News)

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