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Oct 12, 2005

Cayo tour guide still on the run

Story PictureBetween U.S. sex offenders and Belizean bail jumpers, there has been no shortage of fugitives in the news these days… and tonight we have an update out of the Cayo District on Aaron Juan. Viewers may recall that Juan is wanted in connection with reports of rape by three British schoolgirls vacationing in Belize on a work/study programme. This morning, Juan’s father, Nazim, told News Five that he has been in contact with his son via email but declined to state exactly where the young man is residing. As for the accusations against Aaron, the elder Juan claims to have letters from the alleged victims dismissing that fateful night in the bush as nothing more than “a drunken experience”. The Juan family has retained the services of legal counsel and–as they have in the past–maintain that Aaron will return to San Ignacio at some point to clear his name. In July of this year, Juan, a tour guide by profession, was in the company of the young women, who were doing volunteer work at his family’s farm. But on the night of August first, just hours before the group left Belize, a night of drinking ended with Juan having sex with three of the girls, then aged fifteen, sixteen and seventeen. He claims he was seduced by the teens, but the alleged victims charged rape. Juan disappeared before police could complete their investigation and the British students quickly returned home. Police officials tell News Five that the case will stay open until Aaron Juan is in custody.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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