COLA Calls on PM to Play Saviour
The firebrand activist signaled an intention for his organization to address this issue at length as COLA recognizes the importance that cruise tourism has for many families who survive off daily earnings. He insists that in the gridlock between FSTV, Stake Bank and the Government, COLA supports the small man. But, he adds, there is opportunity for the Prime Minister to come to the aid of that section of the constituency.
Geovannie Brackett, President, COLA
“COLA must say categorically that we have no dog in this fight but we stand behind the local tour operators who are the grass which these elephants will trample on. Who builds the port is not the emphasis hear but that we need a port facility and we must know that when we move forward with a new port that we need to get it right from the very beginning and secure jobs for our local tour operators. There needs to be stringent measure to protect our local tour operators from the very beginning. PM Dean Barrow could be a hero to break this gridlock. If nothing stops him from negotiating the superbond if nothing prevented him from taking over the utilities, we say what is there to stop you from bringing a resolution to this particular issue and the wider issues facing cruise tourism. We must not tolerate selective justice. We must take indeed advance of our unique geographic and strategic position with attractions on land and see while we are still fresh. If the government of Belize continues to hem and hum on building a port facility in Belize the cruise lines will move to other destination within and outside of Belize. Such as the case with the Norwegian Cruise line project at Harvest Caye in Stann Creek and Mahogany Bay in Rotan Honduras.”
We’ll have more on the Cruise ship Tourism Industry later in the newscast.