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Dec 15, 2014

P.U.P. Leader Supports Julius Espat’s ‘NO’ to Petrocaribe Xmas Cheer

Francis Fonseca

Late last week, P.U.P. Deputy Leader Julius Espat announced that he would be refusing the U.D.P.’s Christmas Cheer, even after the Party as an executive decided to accept it. Instead, Espat claims he raised the money from other sources so while the people of the area would still receive assistance at Christmas time, it wouldn’t be financed by Petrocaribe monies. Today, P.U.P. Leader Francis Fonseca told News Five that he understands Espat’s decision, even if other members of the Party won’t be following suit.


Francis Fonseca, P.U.P. Leader

“The Deputy Party Leader and I had a long discussion about that matter before he made his final decision. But I think we have to understand that he is a unique position…he is the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee and I think he rightly at the end of the day felt that it was necessary for him to take that position and that decision on this matter. As you know, he was a part of the decision we made as a national executive on this matter; we discussed it at the national executive. This was not one person’s decision; it was a unanimous decision at the national executive. But then he had some concerns following that decision about his role as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee and also of course as the claimant in the legal action before the court. And so he had to factor that in to his considerations and we support the decision that he has taken. But no, all the other representatives, including myself, we have moved ahead with the program beucase as I have said, we believe that of all the programs funded under the Petrocaribe funds, this one provides us with a level of accountability and transparency; that allows us to be comfortable with accepting those funds—not for ourselves, but for the people living in our constituencies benefiting from that program.”


All P.U.P. Area reps are receiving thirty-five thousand, which is the same amount collected by unelected U.D.P. caretakers. The elected U.D.P. reps, however, are getting one hundred and ten thousand dollars each. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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