Sugar Cane Crop Season in Limbo
The 2014-2015 sugar cane crop season will not start on Friday as was anticipated and forecast. In fact, it may not start anytime soon. Turns out that all the jubilation at the resolution of the impasse may have been just a little premature. News Five spoke to an official from the B.S.C.F.A. late this evening, and he informed us that the Association has rejected one of the points inserted by ASR/B.S.I. in the last draft. That point centres on the creation of what B.S.I. is calling a Harvest and Delivery Control Unit to replace the Sugar Cane Production Committee. The Association wants no part of it, and we are told they made that clear to B.S.I. on Wednesday, and again today. The B.S.C.F.A. is planning a meeting with all eighteen branch directors on Friday, and we are reliably informed that there is talk of the Association forcing things back to square one if B.S.I. refuses to fold in this instance.