Police Crackdown on Crime in San Pedro
Whether in fact the crime spike on the island triggered the replacement of Castellanos or not, the incidents have given a black-eye on the prime tourism destination in the country. Since the start of 2015, there have already been five murders in that municipality: the execution of Honduran national, Silvia Carmen Benitez; the double murder of Benjamin Molina and Selvin Chi, who were buried in a shallow grave up the northern coast; the murder of two year old Daniel Espat in the ongoing drug war and the killing of shop-owner, Pablito Barboza. Aside from the murders, there have been several other shootings on the island as well as death threats allegedly made against Minister Manuel Heredia and Mayor Daniel Guerrero. Senior Superintendent Edward Broaster spoke of measures being implemented to deal with crime on the island.
Duane Moody
“Can you at least talk to us about what will be done to address the crime situation on the island?”
Sr. Supt. Edward Broaster, Deputy Officer Commanding, Eastern Division
“Well I can tell you already that the crime situation has been addressed. They have placed myself out there in the interim until they find a suitable person to go out there and take over San Pedro. We have been acquiring the necessary resources needed to police especially the lagoon area. We are looking at acquiring some jet skis and possibly hover crafts and drones as well to patrol the north portion of San Pedro. Also we’ve been having community meetings with the public and trying to establish neighborhood watch groups in other areas of San Pedro especially in the San Pedrito and the San Juan and San Mateo areas.”