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Jun 28, 2005

Acquitted murder suspect to be retried

He was acquitted of murder almost a year ago, but twenty-two year old Avondale Trumbach will once again face a jury of his peers and the possibility of the hangman’s noose. The reason is a ruling by the Court of Appeal that the Supreme Court’s rejection of a written statement from a witness who died before the trial, was in error. In allowing the appeal, which was brought by the Director of Public Prosecutions following the original acquittal, the Appeals Court ordered a new trial for Trumbach, who has been rearrested by police. The charges arise from the killing of Shawn Clother on September fifth, 2003, in an alley off Cemetery Road in Belize City. The only witness to the crime, Robert Flowers, had given a statement implicating Trumbach, but Flowers was killed prior to the opening of the trial.

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