Carnival Season Kicks Off This Weekend
Carnival Season is almost here and the Belize Carnival Association is inviting you to their launch this weekend. Mas Bands, entertainers and fans will kick off the season that organizers say has been missing and will be unlike any other on Saturday at the Rogers Stadium. You will get a chance to see what some of the bands have been doing and get your own preview of what’s in store for Carnival Season 2015. This year, the road march takes place on September twelfth and today we spoke with Patrick Thompson of the Belize Carnival Association.
Patrick Thompson, VP, Belize Carnival Association
“Tomorrow we’ll be having the official launch for the Carnival Season 2015. It is something that we haven’t done in a while. What we will be having tomorrow is the Junior Bands and the Senior Bands showcasing what they will be having on Carnival Day, the twelfth of September, nuh.”
Andrea Polanco
“We know that the bands will be highlight, but talk to us about the entertainment. I know you have a nice line-up of deejays and entertainers?”
Patrick Thompson
“Okay. Tomorrow, we will be having on stage, TR Shine should be there. We will be having Boss Lady. We will be having Positive Vibes. Also, we are talking with the Carnival Commission in getting the entries of the Soca song competition of this year to come at the launch to build that fan base for the event.”
Andrea Polanco
“What do you hope that people will take away from this launch? Do you hope that it will be sort of a teaser of what to expect for Carnival?”
Patrick Thompson
“Yes. I believe it will be a teaser because we have been going around to some of the bands and we are seeing the hype that these bands are already putting together. Tomorrow, I can assure you all, that if you are not there you are missing out; a little teaser, as you say, for Carnival this year.”
“How many bands can we expect, Patrick, tomorrow night?”
Patrick Thompson
“We have six junior bands in this year carnival so far; namely, Jump Street Posse, Pickstock Carnival Band, Mahogany Heights coming back out; a new band, Collect Royal; we have Sunshine and we have Trench Town. In the senior, we have three new entries; we have Titans, we have a group from Los Angeles which will be mixed with Belizeans name Belizean United. We have a new band as well called Fantasy Explosion, to go with those of Mother Nature’s Creation; we have Jam Jam coming back; we will be having Soca Mocha and also we have Eternity Mas Band who will not be competing this year but they will be participating in this year’s road march.”
The event kicks off at two p.m. and ends at eleven.