ICC takes GOB to court in Miami
The Virgin Islands Daily News is reporting today that Innovative Communications Corporation, ICC is taking the Belizean Government to court. A U.S. District Court in Miami has granted ICC’s subsidiary Belize Telecom Limited a hearing on the Belize government’s seizure of the telephone company last week following ICC’s refusal to pay the government fifty-seven million dollars by February seventh. According to the article by Tim Fields Belize Telecom is seeking to have the court reinstate its board of directors so they can go forward with their plan to pay eighty-nine Million for a majority stake in the telephone company. ICC=s attorney Lanny Davis, referred t the take over by GOB as unlawful and told the Virgin Islands Daily News ICC intends to “vigorously challenge its action.” Davis claims ICC did not meet the deadline because the Belize Government failed to meet conditions he referred to as “vital” to ICC’s investment. He claims that the prior majority owner Lord Michael Ashcroft of Carlisle Holdings has filed lawsuits causing further delays.