Jose Abelardo Mai is Confident of Victory on November 4th
Mai is confident that he will emerge victorious in Orange Walk South on November fourth and his party will go on to form the next government. The reception in the constituency, he says, has been warm, a significant difference since he began his political career in 2008.
Jose Abelardo Mai, P.U.P. Area Representative, OW South
“We are going to be elected to government. I’m going to win my area and my party is going to win. But answering your question, it’s not an easy thing to be in opposition when the U.D.P. is in government, especially the vindictive style of Dean Barrow and his government. It’s not easy but we have to hang in there and we have to give hope to the people. The P.U.P. is the only hope that people are looking up to right now, the only hope. The sugar industry, the citrus producers, the vegetable producers, the grain producers, everybody’s looking at the P.U.P. for a better way forward. So I don’t know what would ever happen if the U.D.P. would win but I think that the government, that the country would crash.”
Isani Cayetano
“How receptive have voters been in your particular constituency as it concerns your campaign?”
Jose Abelardo Mai
“I have run, this is my third time, my third election. In 2008, I was rudely treated in many, many instances. In 2012, I ran against a very formidable and affluent individual. I sense that there was a lot of resistance. In 2015, it is totally the opposite, almost every home you go, when you explain to them the forty-three percent poverty, the twenty-five percent unemployment, the twenty percent of kids that do not complete high school, the fourth most dangerous country in the world. The debt that is strapped on each child, eight thousand dollars. When you explain this to them you can see in their face the pain they are going through in listening because they are living it. They are living it. Everyone in every single house, even in U.D.P.’s homes are just listening, listening and listening.”
Jose Abelardo Mai is being challenged in Orange Walk South by U.D.P. standard bearer Lupe Magana-Dyck.