Regional Trade Expert Says Surinam’s Rice is Cheaper, Guyana isn’t Dumping
While the issue, at its core, involves regulations governing the CARICOM Single Market and Economy, provisions are made in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas for the use of appropriate mechanisms to protect industries in Lesser Developed Countries such as Belize. This is in line with distinctions that recognize the difference in the stage of economic and social development between Guyana and Belize. Under those safeguard measures Belize can limit the import of goods from other CARICOM member states for a period of up to three years. That being said, it is incumbent on government to preserve the local rice industry. The issue of whether Guyana is dumping its surplus of grain in the Belizean market has also surfaced over the course of the ongoing debate.
Sergio Garcia, Regional Trade Expert
“To say it is dumping and to say that you cannot maintain the price, I am currently telling you that I have quotations from Surinam that is even hundred dollars cheaper per ton than Guyanese rice. So that tells you that there is room for negotiations with other suppliers to keep that price.”
“Sir, why do you believe that the government would be using these tactics to prevent your rice from reaching the Belizean market?”
Jack Charles, Importer
“Well that’s a very good question; I believe you should ask the government about that one there, you know. My concentration is only twenty percent of the total consumption of the market. Yesterday, the C.E.O. did mention that Jack Charles is not restricted to twenty percent, he can bring as much as he wants. But no, I don’t want to be unfair to the producers but at the same time I want to keep the checks and balances strategy at the same time in the market so I will not exceed twenty percent.”
“But what is out there right now is sixty thousand pounds.”
Jack Charles
“No. That is, okay the twenty percent of the market is on the current stats that’s on the records, that will be two hundred and fifty tons which would be as good as like ten containers. I have only three so far come in.”