Christmas Cheer from Ladyville Police
On Tuesday night we aired a story about the Rural Eastern Division giving back to the community, in cash. It was an unprecedented operation that has certainly received very positive feedback. So our viewers from the Belize District will be happy to know that there’s more in store in 2016. Rural Eastern Division Commander Edward Broaster told News Five today that they’re seriously about a meaningful interaction with the community.
Sr. Supt. Edward Broaster, Commander, Rural Eastern Division
“Yesterday I was getting calls and texts about where is my hundred dollars, and I was telling them the money done. But we were excited, and as a matter of fact I had a discussion with our Silent Santa, and while people may think I’m giving out secrets, I’m not giving out any secrets. It’s going to be bigger next year, but it’s going to be in a bigger way, so don’t hop on the bus around that time thinking you’re going to be getting a hundred dollars.”
“Sir after seeing the response yesterday are you thinking about other initiatives in terms of community policing to get closer to the public to solicit that kind of feedback?”
Sr. Supt. Edward Broaster
“We have big plans come 2016 for the community of Rural Eastern Division. As a matter of fact we’ll be rolling out our Red Tag Guardians Program. This will encompass the entire population of the rural division where they will sign up to be crime and violence free and as well to post positive stories about what their community is doing or what their friends are doing or they are doing and they’ll be building up points. Depending on the availability of space we’ll be awarding a significant amount of people who have the most points at the end of the year and as well the TAG is for Targeting All Generations, and the Guardians is for growing agricultural produce so that they can feed their children and feed themselves nutritious and healthy meals. This will be a competition that will culminate with a harvest that will be judged by the Ministry of Agriculture and the best producer will attain a significant prize.”