Former P.U.P. Campaign Manager Says He Isn’t Involved in Leadership Race
One man who is certainly no stranger to the P.U.P. or to contentious conventions is Godfrey Smith. The last time there was a convention in which Briceño and Fonseca faced off, in 2008, Smith was Fonseca’s Campaign Manager. Since then he has had an on again, off again relationship with the Party. Most recently, in 2015, he was Campaign Manager again under Fonseca until that relationship soured and he stepped down. So we asked him for his predictions where the leadership race is concerned.
Godfrey Smith, Former Campaign Manager, People’s United Party
“I haven’t been following the intricacies of the race.”
“So you have no horse in this race, so to speak?”
Godfrey Smith
“No I have no horse in this race.”
“Could you comment on what you are seeing, how it’s being played out on social media and on the ground?”
Godfrey Smith
“As I said I am not connected to the process at all. I have no views on it.”