Homegrown musicians gear up for show
With the advent of home computers and the availability of affordable software, it seems like Belizean artists are coming of age virtually every day. With such flamboyant names as Johnny Bling, Indio, Huligan and Gambino, the works coming out of these self-made artists are as varied as their personalities. This weekend, they will put it all on stage at the City Centre and today the promoters and one of the performers stopped by our studios to issue a personal invitation.
Charles Herrera, Promoter
?The name of the how is ?Where is the love 2004?. It is for Belizean artists, done by Belizean artists inside the City Centre, November thirteenth.?
Patrick Jones
?Who will the audience see on stage when they come to this programme??
Charles Herrera
?Well we have all the hot artists right now, like Anaconda right here. We have Hot Wire Crew, man like Bobo Youth–everybody knows Bobo Youth–Brittney. We have Super P, Indio, Gambino, a whole heap of artists. We have man like Russian; you have the Silver Sound Crew, Sons of Negro, Easy B and Dan Man, of course.?
Patrick Jones
?What should the audience expect when they come to the City Centre??
Kenny G, Emcee for the show
?Well personally just by the name of the show, ?Where is the love?, we di try promote more love between entertainers and try get Belizean fans because right now the Belizean artists them the get big ina the music business. Them di get more respect, but we still noh the get that love from the bigger man them. And we decide say we just want put shows together fuh start bigging up the artists them, bigging up the different Dj?s and thing, and then help them put money ina them pockets fuh start them own project and start get them album out there and get more respect from Belizeans and Belizean people itself who listen to the music.?
The doors open at nine o’clock on Saturday night at the City Centre, with emcees Kenny G and Alfrain Supal. Herrera says the “Where is the Love 2004” concert will also pay tribute to a fallen artist “Action Fire” who died two years ago on November twenty second.