Party’s Finances under Review by Executive
While new opposition senators are yet to be named, a parliamentary caucus has been arranged for Monday during which it is expected that names will be fielded. The opposition can appoint three senators and there are discussions to replace senators Patrick Andrews, Anthony Sylvestre and Lisa Shoman. In respect of the party’s finances, a brief overview was presented during today’s meeting. That rundown, says Usher, reflects the P.U.P.’s financial position after the national convention.
Mike Rudon
“In the meeting today, was that position, created by the meeting, was that brought up that this was a position that might be open for him?”
Henry Charles Usher, Chairman, P.U.P.
“No, that wasn’t a discussion today. No.”
Mike Rudon
“In terms of senators, was there an announcement of who would be senators or any names that have been thrown into that…”
Henry Charles Usher
“Not a discussion this morning but there is a parliamentary caucus scheduled for Monday and I believe that issue will be raised then.”
Mike Rudon
“Any other changes in the executive?”
Henry Charles Usher
“No. As I said, the party leader was just given the authority to fill the vacancies. There are some vacancies in the national executive. The constitution speaks about those vacancies be filled at the national executive level, taken to ratification at the party council and so the party leader was given the authority to fill those vacancies with a view of strengthening and making the national executive more efficient.”
Mike Rudon
“And in terms of the challenges facing the party, was there a discussion about the financial challenges first of all, in terms of running the organs of the party? The last time you spoke you said that those would be some of the first things the party would look at.”
Henry Charles Usher
“Well the issue of the running and the finances of the party, I did give a brief rundown as to the finances after the national convention and how we stand today. A more detailed discussion on that will be done at the next meeting.”