Will Cordel Hyde be New PUP National Deputy Leader?
Since returning to Independence Hall as leader of the People’s United Party on February first, John Briceño called his first meeting of the national executive this morning. The upper echelon of the P.U.P. gathered at the party’s headquarters in Belize City to discuss a range of issues, including a sort-out of its administration. Along with that re-shuffle will come the streamlining and bolstering of a new national executive. Ahead of today’s meeting, it was widely speculated that the four-time Lake-I Area Representative Cordel Hyde would be appointed National Deputy Leader. There are four other regional deputies: Rodwell Ferguson for the South, Jose Mai for the North, Julius Espat for the West, and Kareem Musa for the East. P.U.P. Chairman Henry Charles Usher, says that Party Leader Briceño has just been granted permission to fill several vacancies within the hierarchy of the organization.
Henry Charles Usher, Chairman, P.U.P.
“We had our first meeting of the new national executive this morning. It was a very brief meeting, we had one main item on the agenda and that is the party leader’s hundred day plan which he presented to the national executive for the approval and support. As part of that plan, the party leader listed a number of issues, including the reorganization of the secretariat. The reorganization and the restructuring and strengthening of the national executive and also his tour that he hopes to get done in all thirty-one constituencies within the first hundred days. Those were the main three items that he brought up and the national executive supported those positions and supported his plan.”
Mike Rudon
“Was there any discussion in terms of the strengthening of the executive and persons like Cordel Hyde, his position within the party?”
Henry Charles Usher
“Yes, the Honorable Cordel Hyde’s name was brought up. The party leader was given the authority to approach Cordel and to try to find a position, a senior position in the party for him to work.”
Mike Rudon
“There has been talk about a national deputy leader. Did that come up?”
Henry Charles Usher
“That issue, I think was media created. There was no such discussion with, between the party leader and the Honorable Cordel about a national deputy leader. That discussion will now commence as the national executive just gave him the authority to do so.”