FIFA Delegation Headed to Belize to Resolve Federation Dispute
Legal opinions on a local level and as well from CONCACAF are due back this week, while a delegation from FIFA should be visiting Belize soon to try to get the Federation back on track. Vicente says he’s prepared for whatever comes his way, though he’d prefer the Congress to have its say in elections scheduled in the next few weeks.
Ruperto Vicente, President, Football Federation of Belize
“If there are grounds for them to suspend me, and I know it is legal, it’s legitimate…I would walk away from football. It is not for me to hold on to a position but at the same time I will not let football go to any individual or to individuals who may have their own agendas. I will not. I will sit in my position until such time. As I’ve said I will not continue to elaborate on that. I will not continue the discussion on the suspension because that is not what football is about. We are about building lives. We are about building young people. Football life and that’s where I want to continue.”
“You have also asked for the suspension of these three Executive members as well. If the legal opinion states that these members were not within their rights to seek your suspension or it is not legal to suspend you, will you continue to seek the suspension of these three members?”
Ruperto Vicente
“I have not sought the suspension of these three men. I did before, and I went to the Congress members and the Congress members advised otherwise. I will not at this point seek the suspension of anybody. That is not my job. That’s the job of the Congress and I will not do the Congress’ job. If the Congress sees it fit to suspend these men then that’s the Congress’ responsibility. I am not in the business of at this point suspending anybody. I want the suspension to be had on Election Day. Let’s be suspended on Election Day. If I lose the election, I will consider that to be a suspension and I will go about my business. If they lose, then they should consider it a suspension and they can move on.”