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Mar 22, 2016

Decision to be Handed Down in Orange Walk Murder Trial

Osmar Sabido

A decision by Justice Herbert Lord is expected in mid-April following the submission of final arguments today in the trial of Osmar Sabido. The twenty-six year old Orange Walk resident claims he acted in self-defense when he took the life of his common-law-wife Christie Carrasco five years ago. The Carrasco family, however, disputes his version of the events. News Five’s Duane Moody reports from Orange Walk.


Sandra Carrasco, Mother of Deceased

“I feel relief because we are living hell…(crying)”


Duane Moody, Reporting

Final submissions were heard today in the Orange Walk Supreme Court before Justice Herbert Lord by the attorneys and prosecution in the murder trial of Osmar Sabido.  Today, Christie Carrasco’s mother and aunt took the stand to be examined, giving a timeline leading up to Christie’s untimely death, at age twenty-two.


Sandra Carrasco

Sandra Carrasco

“I can’t believe the things that he said, but I didn’t expect anything less than that because he is trying to prove his innocence. And he doesn’t want to serve time, but he has to learn to accept. What hurts me the most, he has no remorse; that five years have passed, you could say maybe in a moment of rage you can do something like that but afterwards you are sorry. You say well I shouldn’t have done that; I’m sorry.”


During the trial, Sabido also took the stand claiming self-defense; that his common-law-wife allegedly attacked him with a knife on the night of February twenty-eighth, 2011.


Christie Carrasco

Sandra Carrasco

“Ridiculous, ridiculous; he even claim that my daughter is stronger than him. I am not a big person; my daughter was much smaller than me. I don’t think she even wear a hundred pounds. She weighed about size one, size two; persons that use those sizes not even weigh a hundred pounds. He is lying. She was with us the whole day, the whole night and she stayed with us. She couldn’t have attacked him. And why would she want to attack him; why would she even want to hold a knife and attack a person.”


For a second day in a row, relatives and friends came out once again in support of the Carrasco family as they relive what transpired over five years ago. Mayor Kevin Bernard, who is Christie’s former coworker, came out in solidarity. Violence against women, he says, cannot be tolerated.


Kevin Bernard

Kevin Bernard, Former Coworker of Deceased

“The kind of persons she was; very friendly, outgoing…she was a family person. So I am here to lend my support and to ask that justice be served. I think that what had happened was a very sad day in the community when we heard that news. As the mayor of the town, of course, we stand for the rights of everybody. I can tell you that I would never support abuse of women and I think that that’s the message that we want to send here today. We need to stop that and we need to send that loud and clear as a community. And I really applaud the people who are out here in support of the family.”


Sandra Carrasco says that while she has forgiven Sabido for taking Christie’s life, the family needs justice for the loss of a daughter, a mother, a granddaughter and a cousin and a friend.


Sandra Carrasco

“I know the pain his family must be going through too; I am a mother and I can just imagine how his mom must be feeling—his parents, his sisters. That’s why when we do something in life, we must think about our loved ones before we do a stupid act. And I want justice for my daughter. I can’t get her back, but at least if he stays in prison and pays for what he has done—the pain he has caused my family—he left my granddaughter without a mom.”

Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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