Frenchman arrested after American dies
Details are sketchy but an altercation between acquaintances in the Corozal District has left one man dead and another in police custody. According to police reports, on Tuesday night sixty-four year old Edward L. Guck, a resident of Consejo Shores, was involved in a fight with another man, identified by witnesses as forty-two year old French national Federic Descuringes. Exactly what the men were fighting over is not known, but police say that sometime during the scuffle, Guck suffered injuries to his groin area. According to reports, the injured American was found lying on the road outside the Casablanca hotel and was taken to Corozal hospital, seeking treatment for abdominal pain. He was admitted overnight but died around eight o’clock this morning. The Frenchman was arrested today as he boarded a boat at Consejo about to head for Mexico on a routine shopping trip with a group of area residents. It is understood that the two men had some previous business dealings that did not go smoothly. No charges have yet been filed against Descuringes.