C.C.J. deal may be possible in future
They flexed their collective muscles in the House of Representatives on Friday, but today the opposition United Democratic Party indicated that all may not be lost in the fight to have the Caribbean Court of Justice as the final appellate court for Belize. U.D.P. Leader Dean Barrow, in a telephone conversation, told News 5 that while some ruffled nerves are still on edge, the party has not slammed the door shut on a future attempt at revisiting the C.C.J. issue. How far down the road that attempt lies is not exactly known, but with other countries in the region quickly amending their constitutions to sever ties with the Privy Council, and despite their parliamentary setback last week, the government may again seek bi-partisan support for the C.C.J. before giving up on the regional institution, which is slated for inauguration later this year. Barrow says that the U.D.P. is still upset at the way the government behaved in the House on Friday when it became apparent that they were not going to get their way, but that aside, his party would be willing to listen, once G.O.B. decides to go back to the bargaining table.