Belize supports Taiwan for W.H.O. membership
Prime Minister Said Musa left Singapore today en route to Taiwan where he will attend the inauguration of re-elected President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Annette Lu on Thursday. Meanwhile, halfway around the world in Geneva Belize was providing Taiwan with diplomatic payback for the generous economic support that country provides. The occasion was the World Health Assembly, the annual meeting of member nations of the World Health Organization. Taiwan, long locked out of most United Nations agencies due to objections from the People’s Republic of China, once again sought admission to the W.H.O. The debate was vigorous as delegates met to consider the meeting’s agenda and whether Taiwan’s application would even be considered. Although, as in years past, Taiwan was in the end kept off the agenda, Belize’s delegate spoke forcefully in favour of the island nation’s membership, citing the need for all countries to share vital resources and experience in health care. “Small or large, rich or poor, we all dine at the table of knowledge” read Belize’s statement. Belize is being represented at the World Health Assembly by a high-level delegation led by Minister of Health Vildo Marin. At news time, we could not determine which member of the delegation argued the case in support of Taiwan. Other countries speaking in favour of Taiwan were Gambia, Nicaragua, Chad, and the Solomon Islands.