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May 14, 2004

?Dream? couple to be chosen Sunday

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It’s a chance for one lucky couple to have the kind of wedding that most of us only dream about. And on Sunday night viewers will find out exactly who will be walking down the aisle on June twelfth. Whoever wins, after meeting all four finalists, I am sure of one thing: true love will prevail.

Jacqueline Woods, Reporting

She was attracted to his eyes and he thought she looked like Natalie Cole, but little did the couple know that what made them connect thirteen and a half years ago would still hold them together today. Thirty-five year old Era Williams and thirty-two year old George Lightfoot now say that after getting to know each other well they are ready to make that lifetime commitment.

Era Williams

“I think wait a while is nice because then at least you get to know their likes and their dislikes, if you willing to put up with this. So I think waiting a while is nice.?

George Lightfoot

“Learning to communicate with each other is very important, learning to work out problems that you have. Because if you just get married right off the bat, the problems, you might not know how to deal and the first solution might be divorce.”

Era Williams

I think by us waiting, I think it?s nice.”

Both strongly believe they are each other’s soul mates. Era and George have three children who are just as eager to have mom and dad finally married. The couple says after being urged by family and friends, they decided to enter the show, Dream Wedding by Radisson. Since appearing on the program Era and George say they have been overwhelmed by the positive response received.

Era Williams

“Ooh, it crazy. The good part is that we are getting a lot of response, everybody?s saying we?re voting for you, we?re rooting for you, everybody wants us to win, so that?s the nice part.?

George Lightfoot

?We get a lot of support, a lot of support. There?s a lot of people behind us.”

Era Williams

“Well most of them want to get invited you know, but everybody can?t get invited and they have to understand that. But most of them say, you know what Era, we know that we can?t be there, but we have their full support.”

The couple says because of the length of time they have been together they believe they should win the package, but if they do not get married at the Radisson on June twelfth they will still go ahead and tie the knot..

Era Williams

“I think we should win, but if not, I have happy with the outcome. I am getting married this year noh care what. If not June twelve, it?s going to be September fourth. So I have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.”

George Lightfoot

“We have three daughters who that is their dream. Basically the oldest, she is eleven…”

Era Williams

“Ooh, they want to be bridesmaids, she noh want to be flower girl, bridesmaid, she?s the big one. And then you have the seven year old, definitely have to be flower girl, and then we have the baby.”

George Lightfoot

“The wedding would be a plus for us, save money for our house.”

Era Williams

“Our house is building, it?s on the final, but everybody want to go in a new house with new stuff, so with that it wah be a big help.”

Equally hopeful are twenty-three year old Tifarah Gill and twenty-nine year old Ernest Broaster. Tifarah and Ernest have known each other for five years. They live together with their two children and are looking forward to spending the rest of their lives as husband and wife.

Ernest Broaster

“I think there wasn?t any connection at first, it took a while dating and afterwards take that step to go and have a committed relationship.”

Tifarah Gill

“First of all, his personality; he has a wonderful personality and his stubbornness is sometimes annoying, but it?s something also of a challenge and I am a person that love challenges.”

Ernest best known for his skills on the basketball court, may not be too willing to admit that he has a softer side. Tifarah cannot forget the time he left her speechless following a surprise engagement announcement at the Eden Night Club

Tifarah Gill

“They had a competition ?I Can?t Believe My Eyes? and they called me, and I thought, it?s just a competition and I didn?t want to go up. Then the two body guards come for me and when the music went low and they played a song, ?I Do?, and he got down on his knees…? (laughs)

Jacqueline Woods

?And you started crying??

Tifarah Gill

?I couldn?t even answer up to this day, but he knew what my answer was.”

Tifarah says although their plan was to get married next year, they decided to take advantage of Radisson’s offer and try to win the dream wedding. While the attention is nothing new for Ernest, Tifarah is still not yet accustomed to the nationwide recognition.

Tifarah Gill

“Feel like a star, because when people pass me they say, you dah the young lady weh deh on Dream Wedding? I say yes.?

Ernest Broaster

?Well, we are very well known, and it?s just that now they are seeing a different side of me and exposing this side is like from one thing to the next.”

But as sure as both couples are about their love for each other, Era Williams, George Lightfoot, Tifarah Gill, and Ernest Broaster still do not know if they will have their dream wedding. That decision will be made on Sunday night at the Radisson. The show begins at seven-thirty right here on Channel 5.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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