Basil Willis Walks From Sodomy Charge
In October of 2015, a twenty-three year old resident accused a forty-seven-year old known criminal figure of Belize City, of sodomizing him. The matter has just come up in court where it was learnt that the alleged victim was left traumatized. Basil Willis, aka “ET,” a resident of Black Orchid Street, Saint Martin’s de Porres area was accused of the despicable act. This morning he appeared in courtroom of Magistrate Carlon Mendoza, where the charge was dismissed. The office of the D.P.P. had requested a medical statement to confirm the state of mind of the alleged victim, but that was not available when the case came up today. The information was vital for the D.P.P. to give directives to the police on how to proceed and without that information, the case against Willis was dismissed. On October tenth, 2015, the twenty-three year claimed that he met Willis on Mahogany Street where Willis inquired if he knew where the Marion Jones Stadium was located. He would reportedly take the young man there and carry out the act. Four days later, on October fourteenth 2016, Willis was charged with one count of committing an unnatural crime upon the young man. Today without an evaluation of the alleged victim, Willis set free.