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Feb 10, 2004

Ageing council lays out plans

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Over half of Belize’s population may be under eighteen, but the folks at the high end of the age spectrum are still able to kick up some dust. Today they outlined their plans to make the nation more elderly friendly. Jacqueline Woods reports.

Jacqueline Woods, Reporting

“We won’t just be put out to pasture and wait to die.” That’s the sentiment shared by a good number of older persons who believe that although they have already retired, they are still in a position to contribute to society not only for their benefit but the good of the community. One of those persons is eighty-five year old Justo Castillo. Castillo is an active member of the National Council for the Ageing that has been working hard for the past year to come up with programmes to address the concerns of his peers.

Justo Castillo, 85 years old

“I think old people can be useful. It depends on their health of course; I am not speaking about those who are really bedridden or disabled… There are a lot of things still in their heads that they can use. And its something like trying to abandoned a very good old book. It’s like trying to abandoned history or denying history. There is nothing that should be done like that because we know a lot and we can tell a lot to the younger generation, and I hope that they will give us a chance.”

In less than a year, the N.C.A. has completed a strategic as well as detailed plan of action that will be used as the guides to carry out the work.

Kamela Palma, Chairperson, N.C.A.

“You know addressing the health needs of older persons, being able to give the infrastructure such as more homes if that was felt as a need, hospices, something that we don’t have here in Belize. But more particularly, giving attention to everyday health care.”

“Government has given non contributory pension to women over sixty-five, we now want to broaden that scope and we don’t see only social security as being responsible. There are other agents, there are other avenues from which income can be generated to provide non-contributory pensions for women and men.”

N.C.A. chairperson Kamela Palma says the documents will not only assist older persons with their need to continue to be active in society, but get the respect they deserve.

Kamela Palma

“There are many vulnerable older persons who are being taken care of by family members, who perhaps can’t do it, don’t know what to do and in their frustration they may abuse these older persons. And I am asking that we look just as carefully as we look at the care of children we should look at the care of older vulnerable persons.”

Today, the N.C.A. marked its first anniversary by launching the policy documents along with posters that will help raise the awareness countrywide.

Lindy Jeffery, Representative, N.C.A.

“There are plenty children raising awareness for children’s issues, but there is nothing to raise awareness of older people’s issues. And these posters will be placed in all the strategic points to raise awareness for people to actually take on board what the poster is saying. One of the posters say, “Older people need love, security, and respect.” These are very important issues to them as well as to us that we hope that people will internalise what it’s saying and think about it.”

The National Plans of Action have yet to be approved by the respective government ministries, but because their representatives were involved in its process, it should not be a difficult sale. Reporting for News 5, Jacqueline Woods.

The N.C.A. is made up of representatives from Helpage, PAHO, Red Cross, Mercy Care Centre, the Octavia Waight, and Sister Cecilia Homes, and various government ministries. Presently there are just over sixteen thousand people sixty years and older, living in Belize.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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