Mexican artist exhibits at cultural institute
With Belizean art hitting the cultural scene hard and often, it’s no wonder that international artists are also keen to have their work displayed in local galleries. The Mexican Embassy has been facilitating this cultural explosion for several years and their latest offering is called “Incipit”. According to the artist, Pablo Garcia Robles, his work is personal yet universal in nature.
Pablo Garcia Robles, Artist
“Incipit is like a beginning of something, is the beginning of something, introduction in English. In this case, it’s like a representation of the conscience of this life or human being or everything.”
“Everything about my visions or my experiences in life, and I want to live, from the water, from ideas from the people, from everything. I know maybe it’s universal because it’s like I touch, maybe sometimes this moment, this moment is totality”
“In this ceramic works for example, it’s different it’s like nature transposed to the material in ceramic. For example, this “onomastic” is like the date of your birthday, but for example it is the point of construction about the clay with the nature in new symbols, new significance about everything. In this case it’s nature and Maya culture.”
“I need the people to come to my exhibition, maybe this is the most important. The people come here, see the works and leave with this moment. I don’t know, it’s like this.”
The show opens tonight at the Mexican Cultural Institute on the Newtown Barracks. The exhibition should run for approximately one month and is free to the public.