Wilfred Elrington welcomed back into U.D.P.
He resigned from the United Democratic Party prior to the 2003 elections and mounted an independent campaign in the Pickstock Division. While that effort was ultimately unsuccessful, Wilfred Elrington made history by running well ahead of the official U.D.P. candidate. This week Elrington began what he hopes will be a long march to Belmopan as he has been formally welcomed back into the party fold. This morning he spoke to News 5’s Patrick Jones.
Wilfred Elrington, Back With the U.D.P.
“Even before this announcement, people who were alienated have been calling me and congratulating me and offering their support and their desire to come back and work. So I think there is a mood in the air for people to come together and rally to the support of the U.D.P. and to strengthen the party and to try and get the party in the right position to face the next general elections.”
“When I left the party, it was because there was very little dialogue. I did not get the impression that the party at that time was prepared to be more free, be more open, be more democratic in its performance and its behaviour. And after the last election, I had discussions with personnel in the party, senior personnel in the party and it was clearly signalled to me that things have changed, the approach is much more open, much more positive, much more democratic, and that is my main concern. I am satisfied that the party is now on the right track and should do well if it continues to follow the new direction it is taking.”
Patrick Jones
“Now that you’re back in the United Democratic Party, what are your plans? What’s the plan for Wilfred Elrington?
Wilfred Elrington
“The role I would like to play is to bring back everybody who was once associated with the U.D.P. and who got disenchanted. I would also like to be the person to mollify those people who are disgruntled… to actively reach out to those people who are disgruntled, find out what their problems are and resolve those problems so that we can continue to work together. Historically I don’t think the party has spent much time and attention in that area. And so when our people get disgruntled, they go an bad talk the party–and I am guilty of that myself–we don’t deal with it head on. We don’t go to the person and say what is the problem, how can we resolve it, tell us so we can resolve it. And I would like to be able to do that kind of thing; reach out to every single person who has at any time, any kind of association or affiliation with the party, get them to come back into the party.”
Elrington plans to go on a nationwide tour of all constituencies for consultation with the various party standard bearers. And while he embarks on an ambitious reunification campaign within the U.D.P., perhaps the biggest challenge will be to get his brother Hubert Elrington back under the party tent.
Patrick Jones
“How does your brother, how does Hubert Elrington fit into this whole equation, and Wilfred Elrington returning to the United Democratic Party?”
Wilfred Elrington
“I did not stay away only because of him and the attitude the party had towards him. I stayed away because I had my own difficulties with the party in terms of its closeness and its refusal or inability to open up to give others–the views of others a fair chance. But Hubert, I didn’t tell him that I was getting back with the U.D.P. As a matter of fact, up to this point in time I have not discussed with him. I will discuss with him on at a more appropriate time. I have heard from others who spoke to him after the announcement was made and of course according to them he was very upset and angry about the move. But one of the things about Hubert is that he is eminently sensible and he is first and foremost a nationalist at heart. So that anything that is going to be for the well being of the nation he is going to support without any kind of hesitation. And so I know that as soon as things settle down, we’ll be able to work with him and he will be able to work with us. I have no doubt about that.”
Elrington told News 5 that while he will run in Pickstock he has absolutely no desire to seek the leadership of the party, maintaining that he values his privacy and time spent with his family.