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Dec 30, 2016

Coast Guard Crashed Vehicle Near Store

Traffic accidents have not been limited to the highways and by-ways. On Wednesday night in Belize City, a driver said to be an officer of the Belize Coast Guard lost control of his Jeep four-door SUV while taking a curve and wound up crashing into a fence next to a hardware store on Central American Boulevard. Fortunately, he avoided injury, according to the official police report. ACP Chester Williams also clarified reports, saying that an official police vehicle was not involved in the accident.


Chester Williams

ACP Chester Williams, Regional Commander, Eastern Division South

“I don’t know – I think people are praying for the Police vehicles to crash. I don’t know, for what reason or the other. But that information was relayed to me yesterday by a reporter – I don’t know where they had got their information from; and I immiedately made checks and I found that it was a Coast Guard officer’s private vehicle that had crashed into an Asian store. And the vehicle looked far different than a police vehicle so I don’t know how they could have tied that to a police vehicle.”


A bystander claimed he narrowly avoided injury. There was a police vehicle coming after the SUV, according to reports, but it only presumably witnessed the accident, and was not involved in it.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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