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Dec 12, 2003

Lotto company donates to worthy cause

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‘Tis the season for giving and receiving, and this evening four Belize City organizations were on the latter side of the equation, as Tropical Gaming Company handed out its yearly Christmas donations. In addition to the Salvation Army, Belize City Lions Club and Hospital Auxiliary, Manager of Tropical Gaming Carol Young says another worthy recipient was added to the list.

Carol Young, General Manager, Topical Gaming

“They are the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. I saw on the news item sometime last week that Dr. Rosado was asking for donations to paint the hospital, and I felt so sad about it. I decided to approach the board and ask for help. They have approved it and I am happy to say they are going to get the biggest donation. We are giving them the rest of the money that they need to get the walls painted for the patients. So I’m going to have a happy Christmas and I am sure my staff will have a happier one knowing they have helped those people over there at the hospital who won’t be home with their families.”

The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital received five thousand, five hundred dollars, while each of the other organizations each took home one thousand, five hundred dollars.

While the Salvation Army, Lions Club and Hospital Auxiliary will use their share of the money to augment their Christmas outreach programmes, Director of Finance for the K.H.M.H. Sandra Miranda says the surprise gift will greatly assist the institution’s refurbishment project.

Sandra Miranda

“Well this will come at a good time as we are on the painting project for Karl Heusner. So this will go towards the painting of the exterior walls of the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital.”

Patrick Jones

“From K.H.M.H., what would you like to say to Tropical Gaming?”

Sandra Miranda, Director of Finance, K.H.M.H.

“Thank you to Tropical Gaming, your support is well appreciated and it came at a good time.”

Edward Robateau, Salvation Army

“Next week Wednesday is our children’s dinner and the expenses are great. So we’ll be using that towards the purchasing of the toys, which comes up to about five thousand, eight hundred dollars thereabouts. And some of the others from the kettling also.”

Patrick Jones

“What does it mean for the Salvation Army to be getting a helping hand from an organisation like Tropical Gaming?”

Edward Robateau

“It’s a great help because the kettles have been very slow. So we really appreciate it and we want to say thanks to Tropical Gaming Company for coming to help us at this time.”

Madga Burgos, President, Hospital Auxiliary

“At this time of the year, we provide a lot of Christmas parties to the people in institutions like Rockview, Golden Haven, Sister Cecilia Home. So this will help us to pay for some of these gifts that we give them. So it’s nice at this time.”

In addition to the Christmas donations, Young says that throughout the year, the four institutions can count on Tropical Gaming for assistance with various projects.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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