F.B.I. Put Up US $10,000 Reward to Solve Anne Swaney Murder Case
January fifteenth marked one year since ABC7’s executive producer thirty-nine-year-old Ann Swaney was killed in Belize. The media professional was vacationing at a resort in Cayo when she was killed two days before she was scheduled to return home to the United States.Swaney’spartially nude body with injuries to the head and neck was found floating in the Mopan River in San Jose Succotz. But a year later there has been no development in the murder case. The FBI are now hoping to get a break in the case and are offering a ten thousand dollar reward to anyone who can help solve Swaney’s murder. Earlier this week, Swaney’s colleague from ABC7 was in Belize and has put together a story with the latest information on this reward:
{Feature from Chuck Goudy, ABC7 Eyewitness News….}