P.G. Mom Accuses Police of Brutalizing Teens
A mother is claiming that Punta Gorda police used unnecessary force on her thirteen year old son over the weekend. Today, Consuelo Flores told News Five that she was in Belize City over the weekend taking care of a family member in the hospital and her son stayed at home. The primary school boy, according to the mother, was found hanging out late on Saturday night and he and two other boys were picked up by police and detained at the police station. But before the boys were taken in to the station, they were beaten and tasered by three police officers. Flores says her son was taken to the clinic in Punta Gorda for medical attention. The mother alleges that an officer went so far as to make a threat on her son’s life. She is yet to visit Punta Gorda police station because she is dealing with urgent personal matters in the City. Today Flores explains what happened.
Consuelo Flores, Mother
“When he reached home and he saw the little boy coming out of the station – Punta Gorda Police Station – they saw him the limp but my son neva wah go. But inna the evening they call me back and tell me that this lee bwaihaffi go; he can’t stay home because he deh inna pain. So, I call wah lady weh I know and ask ah fi ker ah docta and she ker ah yesterday – Sunday evening. So, the doctors deh ask the lee bwai weh happen and he tell deh that the police deh beat up ah and thing fi no reason just because deh find ah pahn the street and I nuh think deh right fi do weh deh do with the lee bwai. Because, by right we know deh have wah job fi do and they could ah mi ker the lee bwai and detain or let ah go or yuh know – do otherwise punishment than fi do weh deh do with ah, yuh know?”
Andrea Polanco
“Now, talk to us about the injuries you witnessed on your son?”
Consuelo Flores
“Well, the injuries dah the one with ih hand – the shocking one pahn ih hand and then the one pahn his batty and then he got onepahn his leg weh deh lash ah with some stick. I nuh think that right.”
Andrea Polanco
“So, you are saying they tasered; what was it?”
Consuelo Flores
“Yes, ma’am. They tasered him on his shoulder because the mark is there.”
Andrea Polanco
“You’re saying your son is only thirteen years old; he was along with two other boys. From what you know, were those boys also subjected to the same treatment?”
Consuelo Flores
“Well, the way my son tell me, like they do him more than weh deh do the next two. But from my belief, police nuh like my son you know, I nuh know why but deh nuh like ah. And fi be honest, they even tell ah, the next time we find yuh deh wah kill ah. I nuh think that right fi tell wah minor, yuh understand?”
Andrea Polanco
“A police [officer] made that threat to your thirteen year old son?”
Consuelo Flores
“Yes. Yes, ma’am.”
This evening we spoke with the Officer in Charge in Punta Gorda ASP Clement Cacho. He said that while he is aware that some minors were detained on Saturday, he has no information on the physical interaction between the boys and his officers. He wouldn’t disclose why the boys were picked up and says he hasn’t received any report from the child’s mother.