Belize ranked 46 on world corruption list
Lists to compare the relative standing of the nations of the world–whether they measure income, standard of living or some less tangible form of happiness–are better at provoking controversy than providing a serious guide for action. But it’s still fun to compare. The latest list to hit the international wire services comes courtesy of a German based organisation called “Transparency International.” Its Corruption Perceptions Index for 2003 purports to measure, as the title indicates, how corrupt politicians and public officials in various nations are perceived to be by the people who live and work there. Out of one hundred and thirty-three countries sampled, Belize ranked number forty-six, with a score of four point five on a scale of ten. This put us tied with Saudi Arabia and ahead of such countries as Costa Rica, South Korea, Greece, Jamaica and Honduras, not to mention the usual suspects in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Neighbours running ahead of us include Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago. Finland was found to be the planet’s least corrupt country, with a nine point seven score, while Bangladesh, sporting a one point three rating, has the dubious honour of being listed as the most corrupt place on earth. Transparency International is a non-governmental organisation devoted to fighting corruption worldwide. It should be noted that the perception of corruption in a country cannot necessarily be equated with the existence of that same level of actual corruption.