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Aug 21, 2003

Photo exhibition features Mexico City

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Two weeks ago we were treated to a look at Belize through the uniquely focussed camera lens of Richard Holder. Tonight a photographer from Mexico offers a look at his homeland through his own distinctive prism. Jacqueline Woods reports.

Jacqueline Woods, Reporting

Twenty-nine year old Miguel Angel Hidalgo may have a difficult time using words to describe how much he admires his country, Mexico. But he has managed to capture his feelings and emotions through the black and white photographs he has been taking for eleven years. Today the young photographer is in Belize to showcase his talent and encourage others to learn more about our neighbour to the north.

Miguel Angel Hidalgo, Photographer

“Maybe about the art, about life, lifestyle in Mexico City and the story about Mexico.”

The exhibition is titled, “Among Streets, Temples and Palaces of Mexico City”, and according to Hidalgo, the display is designed to create the feeling that you are taking a short walk through the ancient geography that was once the centre of Mexico City.

It’s the first time that both the young photographer and his works have appeared in Belize, having been invited to the country by the Mexican Embassy. Hidalgo says even though he prefers to work in black and white, he has plans one day to add colour to his collection.

Miguel Angel Hidalgo

“I want to take pictures of the life in the world in black and white and colour. And I want to be a professional photographer.”

In the meantime, you have until September twelfth to view the show. Jacqueline Woods for News 5.

The exhibition officially opens this evening at the Mexican Cultural Institute at the corner of Wilson Street and Newtown Barracks.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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