Kareem Smith Burglary Charge Dropped
A recent murder suspect saw a charge of burglary against him struck out this morning when he appeared in the Belize City Magistrate’s Court. He is Kareem Smith, a well-known criminal figure of the P.I.V. area, in Belize City. On October nineteenth, 2015, it is alleged that Smith entered the home of Albert Humes on Tiburce Street and stole a laptop, a play station and assorted jewellery, all to a total value of one thousand two hundred dollars. But this morning in court, Humes was a no show so the charges were struck out. But Smith could not leave the court, as he is presently on remand for the November 2016 murder of Andrew Williams, a taxi driver of Marigold Lane in Belize City. Williams was reportedly driving up Mahogany Street with a passenger when two men walking from the direction of Tibruce Street fired several shots at him, causing his fatal injuries.