Testing the Routes for Carnival in Belize City
Last month we told you about the proposed new route for the annual Carnival Road March in September. In some quarters, the proposed route was not well-received. There were issues of congestion and blockage of key traffic points and these were submitted to the National September Celebrations Commission. Today, members of the commission went to do a “dry run” of one of the three proposed routes. As we heard today, from Councilor Philip Willoughby, that decision has not been finalized and will only be done once the report of the “dry run” is submitted and it meets all the requirements and doesn’t present any challenges for the staging of annual carnival road march. Willoughby explains the route they are covering today.
Philip Willoughby, Councilor, Belize City Council
“Caesar Ridge – we take a right into Central American Boulevard; right in to Vernon Street; left into Bel-China, into Douglas Jones, Kelly Street, Cinderella Plaza, left into Kelly Street, right into Baymen Avenue and left off the Princess Margaret Drive to the Marion Jones Stadium. We are examining the one that was sent up to the Chairman of the September Celebrations Committee, which is the Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Patrick Faber. So, we are testing this route to ensure that the forty foot container truck can make certain turns easily and will not be deterrent or any set back or mishap where the kids, the route or anything is concerned pertaining to carnival. We have the President of the Carnival Association Ms Sandra, we have the traffic personnel and other security personnel, our personnel – the city engineer and city planner, sanitation manager who will deal with the clean-up after.”
Andrea Polanco
“On this particular route, if you encounter any challenges or so, what’s the next step – what will you do?”
Philip Willoughby
“Well, we will do what needs to be done to mitigate whatever challenge we find. We only perceive there will be two – a speed bump on Kelly Street and one on Baymen Avenue that may need to be removed and then replaced back that is it. We hope this works. It was agreed within the three routes that all the band members agreed and supported it. I believe to my mind that this is the best possible route that accommodates everyone to see the carnival on south side Belize City.”
Andrea Polanco
“So, if this one works, they will choose this one?”
Philip Willoughby
“That is up to the Deputy Prime Minister.”
Andrea Polanco
“Will the other two routes be “tested out” as well?”
Philip Willoughby
“I don’t think so at this point – providing this one holds through. The difficulty with the other one is that it blocks both the Philip Goldson and the George Price Highway if we go straight Central American Boulevard. And if we take the Dolphin Street – Fairweather route it is a difficult ninety degree turn into Magazine Road from Vernon Street.”