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Apr 3, 2003

New police officers hit the streets

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Their presence would probably not have saved the life of Alfonso Vernon, but tonight more than forty new police officers are walking the streets…the latest recruits to graduate from the Police Training Academy in Belmopan. During ceremonies held at the academy on Friday afternoon, forty-one men and women were officially sworn in as police constables. Topping the class was P.C. Aldo Ayuso who was valedictorian, took first honours in the written examination and first aid and was also awarded the Baton of Honour. Joshua Itzab placed second in the exam, while Ewin Armstrong was awarded the Commandant’s prize. Recruit Lisa Jones was cited for consistently good performance, while rookies Lincoln Lewis and Lindsdale Blease were first in physical training and shooting qualifications respectively. Cadets spend six months in Belmopan in intensive training sessions including criminal law and practice, police duties, forensics, weapons training and public relations. According to department officials, most of the new officers will be assigned to the patrol branch in Belize City.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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