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Mar 25, 2003

E.U. provides more assistance for bananas

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Belize’s banana growers received good news today as the European Union handed over seven point five million dollars to make the industry more competitive. The financing agreement, for three point five million Euros, was signed this morning between Prime Minister Said Musa and European Commission Head of Delegation, Gerd Jarchow. The grant is the fourth in a series of payments totalling twenty-seven point nine million Belize dollars, money that is meant to help Belize bridge the gap between the protected preferential market system of the past and more open competition called for under the growing trend of globalisation. According to the E.U.’s Jarchow, the money has been well spent.

Gerd Jarchow, Head of Delegation, European Commission

“I am just coming from the banana belt from Big Creek and Savannah, I visited yesterday some banana plantations and this morning one again. And I must say I was very much impressed first of all, how you are recovering after Hurricane Iris. And I must say I am very confident that the money up to now is very well spent. And I am confident that the banana industry will become more and more competitive.”

The latest grant will be used to rehabilitate old and diseased plantations, as well as promote economic diversification and community development programmes in the banana belt.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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