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Dec 18, 2017

Nightclub stabbing leaves police on alert for hidden rivalries

ASP Alejandro Cowo

There was further violence in the city aside from the murder and cocaine bust. A scuffle inside a popular nightclub in Belize City ended with stab wounds being inflicted on Tariq Tzul.  He was injured twice in the stomach by someone he had a misunderstanding with.  It is not clear whether the incident was gang motivated, but police are concerned that there will be reprisal for the barroom brawl.


ASP Alejandro Cowo, O.C., C.I.B., Belize City

“Reference the incident with Tariq Tzul, it happened Sunday morning about three a.m.  He was inside of a nightclub where there was a slight dispute between he and another male person and as a result he received two minor injuries to his stomach.  He was treated at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital and he was released later on.  The initial investigation was that he was inside a nightclub along with another male person when there was a dispute among him and another person and as a result he ended up receiving the two stab wounds.  Police at this moment is seeking a person that can assist in the investigation.”



“Is he a, are you able to say, he’s been in the news before, was it a gang rivalry or anything like that that led to the misunderstanding?”


ASP Alejandro Cowo

“Well there were a number of persons inside of the nightclub from the different areas of Belize City on that morning.”



“Okay, now is this something that concerns you all as we head into the Christmas season, obviously it’s a time for maximum socialization in public spaces.”


ASP Alejandro Cowo

“It is of concern and that’s the reason why police are trying to find this other suspect so that we can get a handle on the situation.”


A suspect is being sought in connection with the stabbing incident.


Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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